The First United Presbyterian Church, Bellefontaine, Ohio, established higher education scholarship endowments to provide educational opportunities for Presbyterian Church members (note, you must be a Logan County PC(USA) member to apply). These scholarships are for those pursuing part-time or full-time post high school certifications and/or degrees.
These funds are available through the generosity of members of the congregation who placed a value on higher education.
Scholarships available include:
Richard and Evaline Knief Memorial Scholarship (multiple awards made): This scholarship is awarded to students pursuing higher education and is a member of any Logan County Presbyterian (PCUSA) Churches.
Wayne and Pearl Lawrence Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to any student who is pursuing any post high school educational program, and is a member of First United Presbyterian Church, Bellefontaine.
Nancy J. Merrilees Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship is awarded to students who are members of First United Presbyterian Church, Bellefontaine, and pursuing a degree in the teaching profession.
Applications may be submitted annually from March 15 to April 15, (4:00 pm deadline). Early submission is preferred. Late applications will not be accepted.
Click on the application button below to complete your application and upload your transcripts. You may save your work as needed to collect necessary information for the application.
One completed reference is required from a list of potential people (pastor, associate pastor, youth leader, Sunday School teacher, Clerk of Session, current session member). Your reference cannot be a family member.) Direct your reference person to this website to complete the online form. This reference form is required and is also due by 4:00 pm, April 15.
If you or your reference are unable to complete the online forms (our preferred method), you can contact our scholarship chair for additional support.
Unofficial transcripts are required. A graduating HS student is to upload their high school transcript. College students are to upload their cumulative transcripts.
Additional questions or concerns? contact Anne Brienza, Scholarship Application Committee chair at 937.935.0150 or